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Surviving Rookies... er... Lap 1?
Another thread elsewhere was proposing that very thing... unfortunately the concept of requiring particular apps is not only not popular, but likely not all that enforceable by the SRS administration. You just have to be patient and not rage out when someone does something stupid. On the first lap or any time. :\
Tutorial on how to use Autodesk Mudbox and Adobe Photoshop to make custom liveries! https://tinyurl.com/yaetz4qz
Grab my PDash Skins (an Assetto Corsa HUD app) here: https://tinyurl.com/y95ewubz
I dont think its really possible to check if they have it installed + SRS doesnt have that many people to do everything
(02-01-2018, 11:40 PM)Frank Pit Wrote:  So, the question is:
Do you have any advice, how to survive the first corner.

It might sound obvious but impossible to do but....
Try to make as much room as possible for yourself. 
You need to know what's going on all around you. Minorating or car radar is essential for that.
Put yourself into the biggest space possible with a buffer zone in front of you. Don't try to be as close as possible to the car in front unless you're certain there will be no collisions. 
Show your brake lights early without slowing down. This should make the car behind back off early giving you a chance to catch the car in front without fear of being rammed.
Make sure you have an escape route, even if it means going off track and getting a slow down penalty. 
Choose inside or outside and stick to it. Don't get stuck in the middle or you're sure to get hit. 
Don't be scared to slow down or use your brakes to avoid getting hit. Too many collisions occur because everyone wants to beat everyone else to the first turn. Sometimes slower is better.
And last but not least, try to predict where people around you are likely to go and be as predictable as possible yourself for others. Collisions usually happen due to a chain of circumstances with one culprit making a simple mistake. 

PS crashes happen in professional motorsports too so don't be too downhearted when you do get hit. Dust yourself off and get back on track. More track time = more experience = less crashes.
I’m not an esoteric guy but after some time you just "feel it". I don’t know. Maybe it’s just your perception that shifts after having done a lot of races which makes you not feeling like it always happens to you.

I still remember when I started with sim racing how getting hit in lap one was pure drama for me and I always felt like the most unlucky guy in the world and that all the other guys on track were complete idiots.

But when it happens nowadays I’m just like "oh shit, well, whatever" and carry on.

I guess that’s just another example of confirmation bias. Because I really don’t think there’s any real way to avoid getting hit from behind in T1 or even L1.
Amazing list of awesome achievements: 5th Lotus 25 2018, 4th DRM 2019, 5th Williams FW14 vs. Ferrari 643 2019, 3rd Ferrari 312T vs. Lotus 72D 2020
Simon hit the nail on the head. The percentage of races that a racer can get hit and displaced in T1 is high, regardless of where you qualify. And I have learned to do as Simon says..."Oh shit, well, whatever' and carry on. Keep going and see what happens. The faster you get going again, I can pretty much guarantee you can gain 4-6 or more spots in the first two laps. There are so many early 'racing incidents' and drivers simply overcooking it early in the race, that you can pick up a lot of spots right away. Then depending on your relative lap times, you can move your way further up or have some decent races with others that have similar lap times in the middle of the pack. But you sure have to keep your wits about you and we all get a lot of practice avoiding incidents occurring as you try to move up the field. It's still a good pump to get on a full server with a lot of racers who have similar lap times and go at it.
Thanks for your answers and good advices.

I race for several years now. All started with Grand Prix on the C64.
So, I am old enough to stay calm, after beeing hit.  Wink

My point is, that there are several helps to minimize most of the unnecessary hits.
But I think, that many drivers did not know about them, or think that they did not need it.

I will write something about it in this thread. I think that fits a little bit better to find a solution:

But back to my situation.
It makes my a bit angry, that I try to avoid contact to the cars in front of me and the cars behind did not think the same.
And it often ends in a disatvantage for me...
Yes, of course there are just complete idiots who're simply unable to to brake early enough.

At least on SRS it's quite alright though – at least in my opinion. Getting hit in two consecutive races is really bad luck here.
Amazing list of awesome achievements: 5th Lotus 25 2018, 4th DRM 2019, 5th Williams FW14 vs. Ferrari 643 2019, 3rd Ferrari 312T vs. Lotus 72D 2020
It's a new set of series, and I thought I'd stay up late to participate in the first Audi TT Cup. A good hour of practice before hand let me grab pole position during qualifying! Woohoo! First pole on SRS!

And then lap one happened.

  1. Someone hit the brakes a good 5 car lengths late on the INSIDE, and then thought cutting the corner would slow himself down. I get T boned and drop to 3rd place.
  2. A few corners later, and someone gives me a PIT maneuver trying to follow someone that I had to let passed on a fairly aggressive attack. I've already been T boned, so now I'm timid as hell and trying to avoid everything.
  3. Because of the above, I spend the next few faster corners having to let people going way faster than me pass by.
In the span of 1 minute and 20 seconds into the first lap, I have dropped to LAST PLACE from pole. 

Look, if you had a shit qualifying round and are looking at my pole time and thinking "sheesh, I'm way faster than pole AND everyone in front of me!" then I can understand your impatience at trying to safely pass everyone over a span of 20 minutes and wanting to get as many positions on the first lap.

But you gotta fight that urge. It isn't fair to me, nor anyone else that is going to get taken out in the carnage you are creating by racing as hard as possible in the first two minutes of a 20 minute race.

I know the frustration... because I LITERALLY had the best lap time this evening, and then had to spend 19 minutes trying to claw my way passed everyone in the field. And had the race been more like 2 hours, I might have eventually done it! Sadly 19 minutes was only long enough to pass 3 people. 

And if you are looking at your qualifying time and comparing it to everyone else in front of you on the grid and thinking "wow, these guys are fast!" then you should go into lap one with the following goal: Don't ruin anyone's race, including your own. 

Don't pass anyone at all. Maintain your position by taking careful corners (especially if you are side by side with someone), keep clean lines into each corner until the grid stabilizes. Only THEN should you start racing people.

Do you really think you are going to pass 5 people that have qualifying times 2 seconds ahead of you and then proceed to defend your position for 20 minutes? That's not how things work in reality.

Read the first post. Watch the video. Watch Empty Box's video. Stop trying to pass people on lap one. That is all.

p.s. And then to cap it all off, I was right on the guy in front of me's bumper crossing the finish line and he thought it would be a good idea to just add one more incident point to my total by slamming on his brakes just after crossing.

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills! Big Grin
Tutorial on how to use Autodesk Mudbox and Adobe Photoshop to make custom liveries! https://tinyurl.com/yaetz4qz
Grab my PDash Skins (an Assetto Corsa HUD app) here: https://tinyurl.com/y95ewubz
Ah frustrating Russell ha. It's hard not to get road rage when you get rear ended on corner entry early in the race by guys who are over a second off your pace. Even worse when someone tries something super aggressive in qualifying.

The good thing with SRS is that people don't just give up and disconnect that often. When I used to go on public servers I could lose a top 3 position at first turn and end up last, then end up 3rd again in a ten lap race from all people throwing a tantrum and quitting the race. If you're going to get taken out - which thankfully is much rarer with SRS - at least you can then spend the next 20 minutes working back through the field. Good overtaking practice.
Hallo ich finde die Strafen sind einfach lächerlich,es gibt zu viele Spinner auf der Piste.Man sollte die Leute wenn sie dich in der ersten runde voll abräumen direkt rausnehmen aus dem Rennen!!!! In keinem Motorsport sehe ich so etwas es passen zwar Unfälle aber was hier ab geht ist einfach nur schlecht. Vor allem bekommst du als geschädigter noch eine schlechte Wertung was eine Bodenlose Frechheit ist.Desweiteren Cutten die Leute ohne ende das ist auch nicht richtig!!! Das ganze Strafen System sollte mal überarbeitet werden zu not Leute mit einer zu schlechten Wertung einfach mal 1 bis 2 tage vom online rennen ausschließen. (sprich account sperren) Nur so bekommst du die Crash kids raus wie bei iracing da hast du das zu 98 % nicht was hier abgeht.

Hello I think the penalties are just ridiculous, there are too many spinners on the slopes. You should take people out of the race when they clear you in the first round! In no Motorsport I see something like it fits Although accidents but what goes down here is just bad. Above all, you get as a damaged even a bad score which is a bottomless impudence. Furthermore cut the people without end that is not right! The whole penalties system should be overworked not to exclude people with a too bad rating just 1 to 2 days from the online race. (ie account lock) Only then you get the crash kids out as with iracing because you have 98% not what is going on here.

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