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What's an acceptable average incident number?
Since you really just started, trust me, acceptable is only 0 incident points, forever Smile Later on as the number of races you run pile up, it will be very difficult to bring down that incident number by your name. If you care for your rating. 

No one decides on what shouldn't be counted as an incident once it happens. There are no admins in or after the race to judge on every possible incident since it's not possible with this big number of races being ran 24/7. The system is automatic and therefore ruthless. Unless you properly file a protest for someone's shitty behavior on track. Then, it will be looked at by the admins and possibly penalize the offender. But nothing takes away those incident points you got. Also, hitting walls, cones and other objects gives you incident points, even smashing cars when the race is finished. Park it safely after the race and exit to pits. And if you run for a championship, you don't want your points deducted. I hope you are using Helicorsa or Car Radar to help with perception on the cars close around.

As by the rules, any race where you get 20 incident points or more, you're suspended for a week. If in a moment you feel like you're not up to the task of finishing safely below that anymore, take it easy, let people by or simply park it and finish the race.

You can do your best, but there's still others that might be a bit over the edge. It'll take some time, but you'll have some quality races in here, both by you with practice, and from your opponents.

Messages In This Thread
RE: What's an acceptable average incident number? - by Filip Stoyanovich - 11-11-2019, 11:07 PM

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