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Track limits on T1 of Red Bull Ring
I would love to know the answer to the track limit rules as well.

I thought I would find out having reported a number of people for exceeding the limits at Paul Ricard and Barcelona, even a contact from a re-entry after going past the track limits.  Unfortunately I had a 1 month ban and 2 racing incidents.  So no clarification there Sad
Track limits are set by who ever made the track. They are not changed by SRS. They are also the same for everone on the track.
that is not true at all, and the entire point of this, and a few other, threads....people have gotten banned permanently for "track limit violations" when they receive no in game pentalty / track cut notification ect.
2old4forza,  a sim racing community for members over the age of 25.  
If you feel like you would be penalized in real life for the line you take on the circuit, then you probably shouldn't take it that way. That is my viewpoint on the topic. The whole, "as long as you are not penalized, then it's fair game" argument is such a load of BS. Just race with some damn 'tegrity! (integrity LOL)

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