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Estonia 25 Setup
Couple of great setups for this super fun car so far... just wondering if you guys have done something similar for Tsukuba? I tried changing things around but am no good at it I'm afraid
Here's the changes I've made to my NJMP setup for Tsubka attached below. Haven't raced it yet but in practice when I made it I was in general running in the mid 54:XX on medium tyres. I increased the toe and camber slightly so they're a bit more negative then before which should help with the tight corners. I lowered the gearing for better acceleration and adjusted the tyre pressures. I loaded on a bunch of aero especially at the front, where there should be enough to take the final corner flat out.
[Edit] Just remembered, I'm not sure if I put in enough fuel for a race stint so make sure to check if there's enough.
[Edit 2] Just did a race and there is definitely enough fuel, could even drop it from 20L to 18L. I don't think that would have much of an effect on race pace but still good to know.

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.txt   Estonia25_TsukubaCircuit_DonnchadhMacGarry.txt (Size: 1.51 KB / Downloads: 51)
thank you!
i couldnt get better than 55.2 on mediums with my tinkering - will try this next race.
This is my race setup for Tsukuba. I've done a few sub 54 laps with it. I don't use 5th gear at all.

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.txt   srs-r.txt (Size: 1.51 KB / Downloads: 57)
I know its too late now, but I made a excel document to compare the laptimes of stints I did at NJMP using my, Dominic's and Steen's setups. I have also included the laptimes from one of my races which shows how different a race stint can go to a practice stint due to being more cautious, battling for position or managing traffic. Stint 1 uses Dominic's setup, Stint 2 uses mine v2.5, Stint 3 uses Steen's, Stint 4 was from my race with my setup. The file is attached to this post.

I think you made a great point Dominic saying that sometimes different setups aren't necessarily better or worse to each other, they are just different. Some work for certain drivers, while others don't. I just wanted to make this comparison to see how much a setup can excel in one area (times on mostly straight sectors for example) compared to a setup that has its strengths in a different area and then share my results for those interested. It wasn't really to say which one is definitively better then the othe. I have only been trying my hand at setups properly for the last few weeks, so while I know some theory I don't actually have a proper feel of what setup changes can have when I'm actually driving. Dampers for example, I've read about them and I think I have a reasonable understanding on them, but most of the time whenever I change them I find it hard to feel any real difference while driving. So driving those stints in the different setups has helped gain a bit of a better feeling (I hope) in the future of identifying what type of changes I would like to make to get the car to behave in a certain manner. It also gave me an excuse to drive NJMP more as I had never driven it before this week and was really enjoying it, turn 1 and turn 5 over the small hill are just so fun and challenging to nail consistently. 

I had been intending for a long time to make a excel sheet like this as I was getting tired or writing things out by hand and using a calculator, so I felt this was a good time to do so. It can compare times from five different stints/races, but I could adapt it to include more if people think that its a good idea. This could be used to test different setups, race strategies, comparing your race performances on SRS to see how you have improved over the week or comparing your laps without another person on SRS to see where they are quicker. Since your best result of your first five races go to your Championship standing (if you've done five or less), I felt that five stints/races was a good number to go with. 
Once the laptimes of a stint are added, it computes things like the average and trimmean lap times automatically, which can then be compared to other stint times. FYI, trimmean (trim the mean) is like the average but ignores some of the best and worst times, so outliers like the outlap don't effect the result which I think makes it better to use then the average function, you can see the difference between the two in the file. I have added conditional formatting so it automatically highlights things like the best lap time, or if a time is better/worse than the average, making it easier to read the information.

Feel free to try it out use it yourselves for your own needs. When adding laptimes, add them to the sheets called "Stint_1", "Stint_2" etc, overwriting the times that I have there. This can be done manually (very slow) or with copy and paste. Be careful if you are using copy and paste, especially when copying from a time from a different cell of this excel file, another excel file or from the race results page on SRS. Use the paste special options and select "paste value" as this will not try and add new formatting to the cell, which would break the conditional formatting, cell value type, etc, that I have setup, Excel is a powerful tool but can be awkward and tempermental. If copy and pasting from a non-enriched file, like a .txt file, you won't need to worry about this. Do not change the times in the sheets "Quick Comparison", "Full Lap Comparison" and "Stint Comparison". These three sheets automatically read the data from "Stint_1", "Stint_2" etc, and if you overwrite the cell you will break the formula in them so they won't auto update anymore. In later versions of the file, I will add protections so those types of cells can't be overwritten. My advice would be to make a backup before changing anything and you can always use the undo button (or ctrl z) if you did something wrong. 

I do plan on making other changes to how the data is compared, adding graphs (as they're visually easier to read when comparing stints compared to columns of lap times) and adding a way for it to autowrite the laptimes stored in the .csv files that Assetto Corsa creates when you press the PRINT laptimes button in game. At the moment I'm finding it hard to make graphs that can automatically update for a variable amount of rows and also where the cell data is in the time format which seems to be causing some additional problems. I might also create a race strategy sheet that could be used to compare strategies with different stint lengths and different numbers of pitstops, which would be useful for the hour long races. I intent on adding a little pdf guide that will give more information and instructions for the file, as seeing an excel file like this that you didn't create can be hard to follow, especially if you aren't familiar with excel. If you have any suggestions of other features that might be good then fire away, hopefully I'll have the time/skill to add them. When I've added some of these changes, I'll post it up in a separate thread dedicated to it, hopefully at some point this week. This is only a demo version and I did say I would write up a comparison of the three setups, so that's why I'm posting it here. I assume there are some online resources which you can use that already do this stuff and probably better then in my excel file, but I'm a lame wad who wanted to created one myself and also because I could customise it to be how I wanted it.

I really need to stop writing these stupidly long posts, sorry if they're annoying.

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.xlsx   Lap_time_Comparison_Demo_V1.xlsx (Size: 829.79 KB / Downloads: 16)
Here's my race setup for Summit Point. I'm still using MacGarry's Tor Poznan setup as base (I think). I was a bit worried about redlining 5th gear down the straight, but the engine held up for my first race - which I won.  Smile

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.zip   summit-srs-r.zip (Size: 551 bytes / Downloads: 42)
(08-03-2020, 10:53 AM)Steen Toudal Wrote:  Here's my race setup for Summit Point. I'm still using MacGarry's Tor Poznan setup as base (I think). I was a bit worried about redlining 5th gear down the straight, but the engine held up for my first race - which I won.  Smile

Thanks Steen, big help.
Added some wing, and found 1.5 seconds straight off.
Yep, I think adding some wing is a good idea. I added two clicks front and rear, and it made the car easier to handle through the fast corners - without losing top speed.
Race setup for Bikernieki. I've done a 1:17.5 with it so far. https://www.mediafire.com/file/gaf68xbm9kpb1h5/file
Thanks Steen! I gave it a bit toe-in on the front and reduced the wings.
Amazing list of awesome achievements: 5th Lotus 25 2018, 4th DRM 2019, 5th Williams FW14 vs. Ferrari 643 2019, 3rd Ferrari 312T vs. Lotus 72D 2020

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