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Tuning Setups for fellow racers in need
Hi everyone 

I'm Hugo, IGN: PRT RaCeR

I've joined SRS a couple months back as my team mates usually rely on me for tuning setups in any game.
We are PRT Portugal Racing Team and we know each other and race together for more than a decade now.
As result I know exactly how they drive and what they need from a car, so its kinda easy for me at this stage.

After doing a few races in SRS I've noticed that there's still a large amount of racers that still run default setups or even a wrong one that results in poor performance such as not being consistente,unstable and so on. 
I want to believe that we all the experienced and newbie alike want to have some nice battles out there and have fun while racing.

So in order to help those in need, I'm happy to create some sort of organized platform thru my twitch/youtube channel where I would be dropping a short hot lap video followed by my personal tuning  setup for that particular combo.
I'm not saying I'm the fastest racer around but i do know how to set a car for a driver.
Just so you have a reference, just have a look at current fastest laps on Skoda Octavia CUP at Brands Hatch. Wink 

Tuners don't really have any incentive to share their work, so if you interested I would just ask so you follow me on Twitch and subscribe on YouTube.

So what you guys think of all this ??  Smile
If you are in need of tuning setup advice or general race craft advice feel free to visit my Twitch and YouTube channels  Shy



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Tuning Setups for fellow racers in need - by Hugo Matos - 11-08-2019, 07:43 PM

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