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Why no AMS and rF2 racers?
Hi, first of all let me congrats who built this multi platform system: it is a fantastic idea, it works really well, and it is simple & clear like it should be.

I own all the simulators supported here and I signed up as soon as I heard about it (AC support had just been released): since I already run some private championships on AC, my main goal was to finally race on rF2 and AMS with other people, but to date I really cannot find (ever) any race with other simdrivers other than the ones on AC. Even picking some random past race result I can't display any AMS or rF2 race with more than 3/4 racers in it: is there a reason for that? I mean, the system works just fine and it is a great deal to me, it would be a shame not to use it. Is everything about the popularity factor? That could be the case after all: AC, consistently more popular than the other 2 titles, reaches an average of 10 simdrivers per race (in my experience), hence proportionally it's not much better than the other 2 titles...I don't know, but I really find a waste not to use this system.

I was hoping (and in part I still hope) that the 1.0 AMS release brings some critical mass of simdrivers to populate its race a bit. I wish that people would eventually recognize SRS value and start to use it in mass like it deserves.

Again congrats to who made this, and thank you.

Messages In This Thread
Why no AMS and rF2 racers? - by Claudio Loda - 08-27-2016, 10:05 AM

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