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Suggestion About Minimum Race Participant and Point System
Something like giving out points based on Field Strength/opponent skill level iRacing style (this is vaguely similar to that) or based on car count like this isn't an inherently bad idea other than the fact for weekly series it would be quite limiting on what time zones people would be able to win championships out of.

There's certainly some regional car count variation to the racing on SRS and people from North America or Asia Major just flat out not being able to compete because their splits aren't full due to a system like this would surely leave a bad impression with them, I'd imagine.

I can also imagine the opportunity for exploitation with this being quite high. There's already some tryhard daily series competitors on SRS that "Snipe" signing up for races to try and ensure nobody who they're afraid of being competitive will show up to stack their easy 5 wins. What happens when they now know points are going to be based on participation? Will this change that behavior? Not likely. They'd probably just wait until the last possible moment to always sign up for the largest possible race, and now instead of trying to snipe a race with 6 opponents last minute for minimum points paying car count; they're just going to only participate in splits with 10-15-20 or whatever their critical points number is. That means fewer races going official as people who care about stats and champ points attempt to snipe race entries with only their personal required minimum number of cars.

This may be worth looking into if the car count wasn't struggling in general right now. I also doubt the points system will change majorly in terms of actual positional payout any time soon. But anything that splits up/incentivizes/segments any further grids that are already struggling for car count right now REALLY doesn't seem like a good idea.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Suggestion About Minimum Race Participant and Point System - by Ted Hough - 11-28-2021, 03:35 PM

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