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Kicked to desktop a few seconds after joining?
I had this issue too. Joining on the porsche cup server I got instant crash to desktop after 10 seconds of joining. Disabling the skin app fixed the issue for me. I am using my own skin and recently I had made changes to it but I did not add or remove any files in the skin folder. I just edited the skin. Maybe that could trigger the issue? I wonder how the skin app detects if a skin has changed? Checksum or file names? If file names then it misses updates to the skin file itself. In the broadcast it was using my older skin and didn't seem to detect the skin was not up to date.

Also I noticed that the skin app created new instances of itself in the windows task manager. After couple of server rejoins I had 3 of them running. I was getting skins ok messages even when I had turned ac, cm and steam off. I ended those tasks but eventually only disabling skin app fixed my issue. I have had crashes like these before but they were always one-off and simply rejoining worked and no more crashes. The porshce race was the first where I had a crash repeatedly for 5 times or so.

I just want to say thanks for the app. It is great that exists and it adds a lot of joy for me as I like skinning almost as much as racing. I hope the issue is easy fix.

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RE: Kicked to desktop a few seconds after joining? - by Lasse Luisu - 11-08-2020, 08:32 PM

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