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Barbagallo Pit Fake
me  niego a correr asi,cuando vi que todo el mundo hace eso,me salide la partida....
que va hacer lo siguiente los cheats ...lastima
(01-19-2020, 11:15 AM)Michal Janak Wrote:  nice, one of these ......  crashed me as expect i will cheat too

i vote to disable track like barbagallo, redbull ring and maybe Spa (cheating on outlap gaining poles )

Banning tracks (including one of the most popular tracks in the world) is not a solution. Tracks are fine, drivers who are doing that aren't. The simplest solution would be if the admin came out and said something like "Abusing track limits to gain an advantage (intentionally going with four wheels over the lines/kerbs) is protestable and it will result in long suspensions.".

There could also be a thread with a list of known exploits on tracks we're using here, which would be punishable.

For example: "Abusing front pit boxes at Spa", "Cutting the chicane at Donington" and so on. The best thing about it is that I'm sure that it wouldn't be only up to admin to keep the list updated. Most tracks are fine, and when something new pops up (like Barbagallo) drivers could post it on the forums and the admin would "only" have to decide weather it's abusing or not.

And I'm pretty sure that community members would be happy to provide screenshot/clips which would demonstrate abusing limits or track exploits, and those clips can be posted alongside the rules. (Like: "Going over the limits looks like this: *picture where 4 wheels are over the lines*

Until we have something "official" to go by, we can't expect from people to abide to unwritten rules and play nice.
Great Idea Igor, I agree with you.
These tracks are great and they don't deserve to be removed just because someone exploits some track limits.
We all know what are the limits and the fact that a track allows to go past them doesn't mean that it's allowed.
A bit off-topic: can someone explain to me what's the problem with Spa pit boxes? Thanks
I think that is for quali, if you are in the first pit boxes, you could take advantage of going out as soon as qualifying begins, you can make a lower lap time since the pitlane cuts the first turn.
Of course the problem with publishing a list of known exploits is that you'll have people who start trying to get away with using them all in the races.  Dodgy

But on the whole, I agree, if we have a documented set of forbidden track limit exploits on the site, then it will be easier to adjudicate disputes and protests when drivers violate them. We, as players/drivers, must be sensitive to the demand this will place on our one and only race director. Adding more load to the protest queue comes with a cost; it would be great if we could just read the list of no-nos and all act accordingly, rather than disregarding the "spirit of racing" to gain advantage and hoping the grown-ups don't catch us breaking the rules. Wink
⌈ zerøbandwidth autosports ⌋
This topic had quite a discussion in regards to the Redbull T1.

A number of drivers had the opinion of, anyone can do it so just get on with abusing the limits.

The admin did say that they would act on protests showing intentional track stretching.
Your all right in that clearly out side of the kurb on the last turn is not really meant to be part of the race track. But this is a game and on this track at this moment in time it is recognised as part of the track limits. We all have the same allowance so we should all take advantage of it. That way there is no unfair advantage to be had.
Really funny how somehow almost everyone seems to understand its not part of the track, but still goes there, racing is done on track, not 10 metres off the track. Also this brings the problem that some people dont give a fuck and ram those who actually want to make the corner on the brakes because they brake much later, and some others destroy people on racing line when they are returning to track from pit entry trough the cones. Also have seen someone go for overtake on the inside and then go for the pit entry line, what should the outside guy do then ? he is just fucked and only thing he can do is go in the sand or be a mindreader and know that he will get zero space trough the corner a brake early.
(01-20-2020, 04:57 PM)Simon Merritt Wrote:  Your all right in that clearly out side of the kurb on the last turn is not really meant to be part of the race track. But this is a game and on this track at this moment in time it is recognised as part of the track limits. We all have the same allowance so we should all take advantage of it. That way there is no unfair advantage to be had.

I just can't agree with this approach, even if it means sacrificing the chance of a better result... it just feels disingenuous to extend the track beyond what we all know is the limit.

The weird thing is, you're actually a really quick racer... you don't need to extend the track to get a good result.
(01-20-2020, 04:23 PM)Tim Cullingworth Wrote:  The admin did say that they would act on protests showing intentional track stretching.

If this is the case, it should be added to the regulation page. There are two equally valid camps with this type of thing: 1) people who desperately want sim racing to be like real world racing, in which case you'd not be able to do any of this without penalties/bannings and 2) people who understand that this is NOT real world racing but just an elaborate video game with its own set of internal rules that do not perfectly mirror those found in the real world. Folks that do not understand the second group should have a read at (link-->) THIS ANCIENT BLOG POST (<-- link) that talks mostly about fighting games, but any competitive video game kind of falls into the same category.

If something isn't explicitly in the rules for banning behavior, the only judgement that can be done in in game. And this game has a number of circuits that simply don't enforce the rules like real life. There either needs to be an official rule on this, or no one is going to bother reporting infractions unless they just happen to get sideswiped by someone coming back onto track from what is clearly 4 wheels off.
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