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Too many racing with bonnet view.
(06-01-2018, 02:29 PM)Tanguy Queguineur Wrote:  Racing with Helicorsa is like, the opposite of realism. It's borderline cheating IMO, playing without it you have to check your mirrors during your battles, which makes you lose some time (as it is in real life).

(06-01-2018, 10:05 PM)Russell Sobie Wrote:  Helicorsa/Car Radar simulates what you very much would have in real life, which is situational awareness. In real life, even in a big helmet and surrounded by your racing seat protectors on either side, you can pick up thousands of tiny hints about what is going on around you via reflections in mirrors, reflections in glass, on dash board elements... along with audio cues you get spatially that not a lot of video games simulate all that well. You get very little of those in a video game, and if you only have a single monitor there is a giant gaping hole in your situational awareness that you really should have in order to race up close and personal with other humans in any decent capacity.

In other words, it isn't cheating. It's something every sim should have on by default the second you are in a multiplayer situation.

The real problem is that i think you are both right, Tanguy and Russell. 
I totally agree with you two on both statements, even if they are appealing for different and opposite measures.
Per example, in Tanguy case i agree because i've raced other sims in the past and never had nothing like helicorsa to help on track and even so, i managed to race without crashing or having contact by just using what your FOV shows you, mirrors included and also sound tips. And when you raced with people that could do the same, races were pretty clean, intense and more real in my opinion. The advantage of not using apps like helicorsa is that it helps people to get more spatial awareness, and most important...responsibility for it, that comes after some practice. But the problem is that it only seems to work if everyone has the same spatial awareness and practice and works even worse if mixed with people using apps like helicorsa and others that don't.
So that's why i also agree with Russell, and as long as we don't have a way yet to replicate all those real life hints, and as long as we continue to race with some drivers using just what he would had in real life and other drivers using apps like helicorsa, the spatial awareness levels will be dangerously different from a driver to the other, so you are better off by using something like helicorsa at the moment imo, if you take in consideration the actual ac physics/contact and srs incident system.

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RE: Too many racing with bonnet view. - by Afonso Quelhas - 06-03-2018, 07:57 AM

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