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Add Separate MP Practice Session
Dear Devs, 
a long MP practice session - like 30 minutes prior to race - would add greatly to the immersion. This could be decoupled from the main session and be just a standard practice server where people who signed up for the race can chat and have relaxed warm-up. Some minutes before main session starts there could be a large message on screen to join the race.
iRacing works that way and it really increases the tension when you get to know the people you're about to race in the practice.

(05-02-2016, 03:15 PM)Christoph Huether Wrote:  Dear Devs, 
a long MP practice session - like 30 minutes prior to race - would add greatly to the immersion. This could be decoupled from the main session and be just a standard practice server where people who signed up for the race can chat and have relaxed warm-up. Some minutes before main session starts there could be a large message on screen to join the race.
iRacing works that way and it really increases the tension when you get to know the people you're about to race in the practice.


I agree completely, the whole idea of having to wait around and watch the clock wind down from the web page is wrong. At the very least a 30 minute window so you can get in there and practice while you are waiting for the race to start.
it's early days guys. IRacing only implemented that feature recently. You can always just go do hotlaps at the track in question before the time starts.
(05-05-2016, 10:50 AM)Brent Mills Wrote:  it's early days guys.  IRacing only implemented that feature recently.  You can always just go do hotlaps at the track in question before the time starts.
I don't use IRacing so I'm not sure what you are referring too. What I mean for example is at R2P the server is up 24hrs in advance of the race, certainly it does not need to be 24hrs but what could 30 minutes hurt, just so you don't have to be right there waiting to enter during a 3 minute window.

Not trying to gripe, just a suggestion is all.
I have to say that I think this is a good idea as well.

Having some practice active would help to make the SRS app get more used.
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