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Cheating accusation against SRS user
I will start this clarification post by saying that all complains against other drivers should be done using the protest form!

There are several reasons why things should be done that way but the most important one, is that we take SRS seriously!
We provide a good service and expect nothing less than your best behaviour inside and outside the tracks.

No need to remind you all that we are the Judges here and that your task ends when you submit the protest!

There were several reports on SRS chat of a strange occurrence on the Porsche GT3 Cup held saturday 09/09/2017 20:00 GMT that led into a post made by Marek Vons accusing another driver of cheating. This post was immediately hidden for the reasons mentioned above. Cheating is one the most, if not the most, serious charges that someone can be accused of. We have all agreed to use our names, so another good reason to do things the right way.

The driver accused of cheating was Greg Daniels.

I will now expose the facts and in the end, I'll include the original post from Marek (without links to softwares, individuals or companies that destroy what we do here every day) and Gregs response to the charges.
Note that this will never happen again, this only being done because there is no other alternative other than clarify this publicly.

Marek and other drivers noticed that during the race, Greg was gaining time even though he was driving slower or sometimes at the same pace as them.
In the end of the race, Greg won with more than 2 mins of advantage to Johnny Verhoeff, second position.


More, the sum of Gregs laptimes gives a total finish time that would place him in third position. aprox: 1:02:28
So, in Gregs PC he was doing the right laptimes but everyone else was seeing him accelerated.

It is clear that something wasn't right and the possibility of cheating was real even though it would a very stupid kind of cheat.

Gregs response to the accusations
Greg refuted the accusations. He also made his computer available for any check that we would find necessary. Simraces since 2010 and is an admin of SimRacing-Maniacs and has never been accused of such charges.
His laptimes were similar to the ones made on the race the day before.

We have checked his iRacing career, it's legit, and we did not found suspicious events on his simracing career either.

Possible causes
Cheating is always an explanation for what happened...
Another possibility is that it was caused by server problems. We have seen this in first hand, several episodes of wierd behaviour including losing laps and changings on the final standings. Even though it would be the first time we see something like this during a full race, I can't say it is impossible to happen...


Greg will be placed third place on that race.
Accusation is dropped. Benefit of the doubt is applied.

This case is closed.

Mareks Post
(09-09-2017, 10:09 PM)Marek Vons Wrote:  Hello guys, some interesting thing for today, have a nice reading.

Until now, I never believed that there can be cheats in Assetto Corsa, but after today, I see that I was wrong. And I am sick of this.

So, in todays GT3 Euro, after the qualifying, I was third etc., and some guy named Greg Daniels was like 5th or maybe 6th or whatever, doesnt matter.

But, what happened in the race, was so obvious as a cheating as nothing. Everything was going well, somehow I became 1st in the first lap and I was in the lead for few laps, I didnt expect to stay there for too long because Johnny and Gianmarco were faster than me, but then I saw that Greg Daniels is behind me and catching me with a big speed, okay, could be.. but! When he overtook me, he was so much faster on the straight that it was impossible for me. I was watching it for few laps, and then I saw it. In the lap, when Greg overtook me, he made a time 1:33.5 and I did 1:33.1, what is clearly impossible in the lap where he overtook me!! Okay I said, maybe I didnt see well and maybe he did better time, but NO! It is also in the results.

Then, I kept looking at the times, meanwhile I went down to 4th place. NOW WATCH THIS. Gianmarco was probably 2nd or 3rd and he was doing lap times around 1:31-1:32, while Greg was doing laps around 1:33. And what is interesting about this? Gianmarco was much faster than Greg in every lap, but Greg was getting away from Gianmarco by 1.5s a lap!! Me, Gianmarco and others were using also pitboard app. We were doing faster times than Greg, but pitboard was showing that Greg is getting away from us with 1.5-2s per lap, what is clearly impossible.

To prove this theory right, me and my friend Jozef from the race, took the time to calculate the lap times of Greg and compare them with his finish time. Result? He is missing around 100 seconds in the result!! What is more than one lap time! 

Here is a google drive document LINK HERE which you have to check. It is copied results from the race we did and we added there column D, which is only calculated time to seconds. For example, the first lap he did was 1:44.848, so it means that in column D is 104,848 seconds. Like this, we wrote there all the lap times in seconds and then we calculated the finish time on the bottom by making a sum from his lap times:

Sum of the lap times from the results is then: 3748,405 seconds = 1:02:28:405

The finish time up in the results is showing: 3649,6 seconds = 1:00:49.600

Difference in the times is then: -98,805 seconds

What means that there are 98,805 seconds missing in the official results of the race. What also means that Greg was cheating and he has hidden these seconds by cheating!!

After a little search, which took like 3 seconds with adding into google "" we found this cheat:

Pay attention to the readme file of the cheats, found which says, that you can FREEZE the time. By our understanding, it means, that he had some acceleration from this cheat, and thats why he was faster, but somehow, he could manage to hide is accelerated times with this cheat, and it wasnt showing the accelerated times, but the normal times he should be doing. And he should not be first at all, but he had to be far behind the top 3 people.

What I saw, made me sick and disgusted, I would never think, that someone can cheat in cars simulator. But this guy needs to be banned ASAP. I am not taking NO for an answer and if this will not happen and SRS will not understand that he was cheating, I am leaving SRS.

Link for the race results: LINK

Here I am also adding my replay where you can check all this: LINK

And another thing, insult from Greg after the race in the chat: LINK

It would be good to see the reaction of other people from the race and also the reaction of Greg!

Thank you!

Gregs Response

simracingsystem Wrote:Greg Daniels,

You are acused of cheating on the Porsche GT3 Cup race held 09/09/2017 20:00 GMT.
Your final racing time is way inferior to the sum of your laps and several drivers reported that you were gaining time while making laptimes worst than theirs as it is visible on the results.

Do you have anything to say in your defense?

Actually only that I have never done something like that and never would. I have a reputation to lose. I have been running since 2010 Simracing and so I have never done and would not do it. I am Admin of SimRacing-Maniacs.de and I would be pretty stupid if I would destroy my reputation with such a shit. I am founder together with Tim Schneider of SimRacing-Maniacs and would never come to the idea to cheat !!!

I had to drive a lap longer. Although the time had already expired 20-30 seconds. This was very strange. I use an app Z1 Dash for the gasoline calculation and luck in the misfortune I always make for a round more sprit pure. My opinion and my friends who were with me in TeamSpeak, the irgentwas wrong with the time calculation.

I was just as constant as the races before. Please look. I had no more speed on the track than on my other races. I did not fly past anybody, but fought me over.

I was and still am shocked, that I, just I am accused of the cheten. Sure you do not know me. But I know about 100 other drivers and about 50 of them personally, which can all confirm how I react to fraudsters and how I am behind it.

I hate cheaters! and would not do it!
That's why I did not drive an Assetto Corsa for a while. I'm driving in leagues. Where a simracing checker program is running. I do not know what was going on the server. But I have definitely not cheated! It can be very glad to look at my computer. All the people with whom I drive can be consulted.
This with the times kan nich me only explain with the server which is not true. I drove 20-30 seconds after the lap of time over the finish line and took another round. I think the timing is wrong. I have never been accused of fraud. We also have a community and have a tool from simracing-tools.de run all the driver's file as soon as they come to the server. And I've never had a problem with it! Never! I even go with a Porsche Cup. There the tool comes also to the employment.
Gladly I am ready to come on the server with you. That you by Teamviewer look at my PC. And another, because I do not let anything like that happen. Exactly for this reason I have driven almost 1 year no asset, but only iRacing. Because in some couches cheaters are noticed. And so it came out that you can adjust the grip level of the track. But Kunos has fixed it. Thank God.
So as I said, I do not need something like that and would never do it!
I would be very happy about a clearing conversation to make everything out of the world. Because it is not worse for me than CEAHTER / cheat !!!

Have a nice day
I just wanted to say, that you didnt show any proof, that it could be on server side. I never saw something like that here in SRS or even in Assetto Corsa online servers, so at least I would like to see some proof about this theory, that it could be because of the server...

I added not one, but many proofs why I think there was something more, something what could be called cheating, everything from that is described in my post mentioned above..

..and then I found a time to make this video with commentary: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/174721023

I still dont understand, that Greg was in real doing lap times of 1:30, and his best lap in the race from the server is 1:32. From what I found on the internet about the cheating software, it is possible to accelerate your car and then freeze the time so it will be showing slower times. And why would that happen only to one guy, no one else..

Not saying that I am 100% right, but I am still sticking more to my theory, just check the video..
Marek, i had 2 wins that ACSERVER tranformed in 18th places because of failure on my connection, during race i battled People and on last lap all of a sudden i crossed the Finnish line and yet Race didn't finished for me... on my side was saying that i was going to enter on the 11th lap and yet on server side i was only entering 9th.... this doesn't prove anything except that connection issues, sometimes cause unexpected results and weird behaviors.

PS: and i was visible and saw all others during the 10 laps, go figure

just saying Smile
can someone explain this? https://www.twitch.tv/videos/174721023
Yeah, can be, but I think that this is different..

and still, no one answered to the video i made today. I dont think that it was possible like that... it didnt really looked like your situation. And the times he did in reality are not shown in results etc., making 1:30 but server says 1:32... only him, no one else, never before, only now and only him... interesting. Also his car on the replay looks very different when you check how it holds on the road

Replay HERE

Video HERE
I personally would blame the connection/server for an error. A couple of weeks ago at Spa in the Dallara I overtook 2 guys on the long up hill after eau rouge. At the end of the straight I was well past, but I was hit from behind as I turned into the right hander. I received an official warning from SRS admin after a complaint from the driver who ran into my back end. According to him I turned into him. So I've experienced first hand how people in the same race can see different things on their screen.
Even though i never had these problems in AC, I had a similar problem in Dirt 3 online where i was twice as fast as my oponents on my pc but worked well on my laptop. Never found out why.
Also, whoever cheats in SRS is just sad ... why would you ? There's absolutely nothing at the end of the tunnel ... i find it hard to believe that anyone would cheat in SRS.
Yeah Joe, because you've never made a mistake, it's always technical issues... LOL
On September 12th in the 2nd Dallara race at Silverstone I finished in 1st place.... some of my mates watched the live stream... at the end of the race the live stream podium graphics came up, clearly showing me in 1st and 3rd, with the Italian flag next to my name. Of course, the results in SRS showed the correct result.... but if you believe every little glitch you see, then it would mean I could be accused of spoofing my IP address to appear in Italy, manipulating AC to get 1st and 3rd in the same race. All that Marek has proved is a discrepancy between the replay and results, which has been adjusted and corrected by SRS admin. To accuse a guy with Greg's reputation as a racer is crazy... he would protect that reputation at all cost. SRS admin have accepted it is a server issue, so there should be an apology for the accusation.
Another occurrance of Greg´s wrong times comparing the race results and calculating the times.

It happened in this race: LINK

Here is the google document with calculations: LINK

On first tab, there are Greg´s times from this race, on second tab there are Jose´s times from this race. As you can see down there, Jose has got a difference of few hundreds of a second, but Greg has got difference of 92 seconds, what is, compared to Jose´s difference really not possible. So it happened twice.. coincidence..? I dont think so, you do your thinking.

Then, in the google drive document are also tabs 3, 4 and 5 from another race. Link to that race is up in the tabs. There are recalculated times of Daniels, Buck and Rolph from the same race. During this race, it looked like ther was an server issue happening, because all of them has got 20s difference in the times. So I think, when there is server issue, everyone is having the same time difference, not only one guy, and not twice in two different races.... I would like to see Greg´s replay from one of the races where he had the 90s difference in times, but what can I expect.. he will say that he dont have them, so... same as during some court, he should be able to defend himself and show some proofs that I am not right, but I am still putting here more and more proofs to my theory... Other than this, I dont know if you want me to cheat or what, to test that software and see how it will show up in the results.. We also added this topic to official AC forums to see some other opinions.

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