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Saturday night is no good for racing
Well well well, got P6 after qual with the Maserati at Nurbergring. (a lot of skilled drivers participating) Long story short, I was hit several times on the first lap, badly. Found myself back in 22th Place. Well, the race is ruined, but I still can have som fun racing, I thought. Not to be.
I dont know if the drivers in the back of the race were drunk, on cocaine or just terrible drivers, but it was more like a destruction derby. Thats it for me, every Saturday night is when the Forza army comes to invade SRS. I have noticed this before, they dont care about anything, they just drive into you from behind, probably driving without brakes, I dont know. Serious simracers should just stay away, and let this guys have their own war every Saturday night.
C U real simracers on track soon. 
it is same as my experience last months, specialy 2nd sentence Sad
Saturday night is alright for fighting, however.
My Saturday night is right now, and it was a wonderful race in the Cobra at Zand. I spun out early on, but didn't take anyone with me, and finished strong! Car is challenging, but super fun. Highly recommend.
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I think we got lucky Russell. That was a fun and clean race, especially considering that it's a tricky car to drive and treacherous to race side by side with Tongue
Agree! I was very hesitant to enter this race after doing battle with the 787B at Monza during the past two days, but it turned out to be a good, clean race with a very challenging car/track combo. And it was also nice to see some familiar, trusty names on the entry list. Good racing is hard to come by and this was a good one.
Ahh the Cobra, what a beautiful machine, can’t wait until it is available to race at a time other than 0200 Smile
I agree also. I entered the race mentioned and did think before i entered after testing the car for the first time for about 20mins that the race was going to be chaos (i didn't think id complete tbh) but it was actually really good and clean, no bashing no smashing no dive bombs sadly I underestimated the fuel and fluffed a better finish but didn't care it was just great to experience such a difficult car with other drivers I have come to respect. Cheers Smile
Depends, it's still better than being impersonated by 2-3 accounts on an unmoderated public server by some wanna be troll/hacker.

As much as SRS is messy at least it's somewhat moderated/regulated to not go completely out of control as seems to be now happening on public servers when no mod is present.
Weekends are the worst, doesn't matter if it's in virtual world or real world, avoid the Sunday/weekend driver army.
(08-11-2018, 05:38 PM)Arne Hansen Wrote:  Well well well, got P6 after qual with the Maserati at Nurbergring. (a lot of skilled drivers participating) Long story short, I was hit several times on the first lap, badly. Found myself back in 22th Place. Well, the race is ruined, but I still can have som fun racing, I thought. Not to be.
I dont know if the drivers in the back of the race were drunk, on cocaine or just terrible drivers, but it was more like a destruction derby. Thats it for me, every Saturday night is when the Forza army comes to invade SRS. I have noticed this before, they dont care about anything, they just drive into you from behind, probably driving without brakes, I dont know. Serious simracers should just stay away, and let this guys have their own war every Saturday night.
C U real simracers on track soon. 

I have a feeling this is more on a case by case basis, rather than a certain night. Last night I was in the CR6 Endurance race, well in 4th position, catching the guy in front of me with big steps and incident free midway through the race. At that point I was rather happy with myself ;-) It went a bit south from there though, because all of the sudden I found myself battling with 2 backmarkers, as if I was fighting them for positions. I don't know how much bigger they can make those blue flags though, so it was rediculous. The result was I bumped into 1 backmarker after he agressively and stupidly closed the door on me, 2 more incidents and one knocked me off the track so hard and far that not only did I spin, but when I re-entered the track I had to serve a 15 second stand-still penalty Dodgy 

I'm trying to come to terms on being on servers with idiots sometimes. It's 'only a game'. I can do my part and report the idiots, which I rarely even do because it's so damn time consuming ;-) At the end of the day however, how annoying it is, there's bigger and better things to get worked up about

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