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Multiple occurrences of AC servers not starting
So at 22:30 AEST on Thursday i tried to join a M235i race at Imola. I registered 30 mins early and when the race opened trying to join failed to launch the client. From what i can see the server ip was absent.
I've just come from trying to join a similar race with similar circumstances (30 min pre session reg etc) and again no server.
I've done some research on the forums and seen a number of similar posts. For the most part, the explanations have largely been along the lines of "The servers were down, bugs happen, try again next time" (paraphrased by me).
This is not an explanation anyone should be asked to accept. I understand that this is a free service being run by volunteers, but even with this in mind, it's not a good attitude to have for a service that will live or die based on participant engagement. If the users cannot rely on the service when they have logged on to race, then they will eventually give up on it and move on.
I love the idea of SRS and i would really love to see it grow, quite selfishly due to the fact that it will mean more populated races in my region. But at the moment, I'm really on the fence. 
I would really love to see more detailed information on the service, its status, and development news, and i'd gladly volunteer to help if my professional experience (site reliability and devops) would be of assistance.
there are some problems that happen from time to time that prevent the servers from starting.
They are being fixed.

And by multiple, you mean the only 2 you ever registered? more than one is indeed multiple.

The system is being tested and it has been said that problems will happen while you use it.
I agree 2 is a small number, but being the first two in a row, it is not the greatest introduction for a new member.
That said, as we speak the past 3 races have been fine, perhaps its just the 235i race at imola thats broken.
I was trying SRS for the first time and it was the 235i @ Imola and i can confirm that it do not work... Sad
Got a loading screen for a second and thats it...
I have had this issue every time for the last 4-5 times I tried to join. I basically cannot join any race.

As my ping is a bit high (in the 300-400 area, I play from China) I thought that maybe you have set some ping limit? Otherwise I cannot explain the issue, it used to connect every time until a couple of weeks ago.

Thanks for your efforts!
There is a problem with the server, it should be solved ASAP.
The KTM server didn't start today at 19:00 gtm+2.
There was na unexpected intervention at the datacenter.

I'll notify when it's up again.

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