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On-going Race Leavers, what happens?
I have now seen countless of races with 23-26-33 players signed up, but when the race finishes there is only 8-12 people left in the race..., this is very discouraging to everyone els who tries to finish a race that was supposed to be with 20-30 racers on track, not 10.

So the servers divides racers into groups and thats cool, but what happens to the people who enters the race and immediately leaves, because he was spinned around or bumbed out of track and like that instantly disconnects?

Do they get somekind of penalty, increased lost rating or something? Or is it actually just a benefit to leave the race early on, if the gab is too big? 

I personally think that if you leave a "entered race" early, then that should yield the most harsh penalty in Rating decreasement. Even invent a new penalty if you have to. 

These "Race Leavers" have to stop or be somehow grouped into a server where people that usually "leaves" gets grouped together, so the rest of us that does finish our entered races no matter what, can actually play together on a server with 26+ active racers on it. (THAT STAYS TILL THE END)

I think this is maybe one of the most important issues to get fixed very early on SRS.
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On-going Race Leavers, what happens? - by Germain Donne - 08-02-2016, 12:16 AM

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