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Suggestions on improving SRS

I would like to propose some changes. I'm really liking SRS and it's community, but there are some things that could be improved in my opinion.

The points system.
If you win you get 102 points. If you have an incident, you get less points. In itself it's an understandable system, but not always fair. Today I had a nice race in the Cupra. I was in the lead and had a good battle. Suddenly the guy behind me started lagging. He disappeared and reappeared a bit further back. After the a long straight, we had a corner. He was still far back, but suddenly he lagged and crashed into me. Causing me to get an incident point. So instead of 102 I got 99 points. And I have more examples like this. It also happens, that someone slightly bumps you from behind. Nothing really happened but both of us get points reduced. Even the guy in front, who wasn't at fault. Not always fair I would say.
Worst case scenario, you win, someone messes up, and you wont get the full points, and you may lose a championship because of that. That's not really fair in my opinion. It also doesn't work like that in the real world.
I think full points should be awarded in any case. Except when somebody makes an illegal move or bumped somebody of track. That's what the protest form is for. If somebody protest you succesfully, you could get banned and your points should be reduced by a certain amount for that race. And the postition should not count anymore. Or maybe last position or something similar.

Incident average
The incident average should have more weight. So if your have a higher incident average, you wont come into split 1. Or something similar. And if you behave very well for the next, say 10 or 20 races, your incident average gets dropped to the average of the last 20 races, or something similar. That way, people that improve their game get a better incident rating. People behaving badly, get a higher incident rating more quickly. 

Real penalty tool
Real penalty tool on Race Department
Could this be a good implementation for SRS? I'm not familiar with this tool. What I'm aiming at, is that when you cut a track, be it by accident or on purpose, you get a time penalty at some tracks. Even if  you didn't gain time. People then try to get rid of that penalty in the weirdest places. Maybe some kind of warnig system could be in place. And after multiple warnings you get a time penalty, added to your total time. That way the race carries on, and nobody gets in eachothers way. Not sure if something like this can be done with that tool. It has some good features:
Penalty and race features:
  • cutting

  • cutting only in predefined sectors (#)

  • invalid next qualify lap after cutting the last corner (#)

  • speeding in pit lane

  • jump start

  • crossing pit lane exit line (#)

  • more accurate pit lane entry indicator (#)

  • illegal DRS use (thanks to @AdderSwim and his app "ACRL DRS")

  • safety car

  • assign penalty from race direction (from stracker as admin)

  • configurable drive through, stop&go disqualify or time penalty

  • rolling start

  • force internal view

  • blue flag in qualify out lap

  • sol check

  • auto kick for driver wihtout the app, sol (if required) and disqualified (penalty not taken)

  • additional track checksum (model and kn5 files)

  • weather checksum

  • additional track checksum

  • helicorsa integrated - impossible to disable!

  • manually live penalty

  • additional car checksum (collider included)

I hope these suggestions can be implemented to improve SRS! Let me know what you think. And of course, what does SRS think about this.

Kind regards
Maurice Klerken

Messages In This Thread
Suggestions on improving SRS - by Maurice Klerken - 03-14-2021, 12:45 PM

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