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Spotlight On... Interviews with SRS racers - Season 2 (8/1)
Awesome interview. I remember having a frustrating race in the Estonia 25 at NJMP. There were large differences in pace as a good setup helped take 3 seconds off my time with that car, so the field became quite chaotic and I had to deal with a lot of traffic who who weren't obeying blue flags. There was one major exception and that was Gerbrandt. I watched his race through the replay, and saw that he always moved out of the way to let the drivers lapping him go by with no issue. On the other hand, there were other drivers getting lapped but raced with the leaders into the corners resulting in a crash. Meanwhile Gebrandt came on through safely a few seconds later and moved up some positions, this happened multiple times in that race. It really stood out to me and he had quite a good result in that race if I remember correctly. I was incredibly pleased as he more then deserved it that race. Even though he isn't the quickest of drivers, I always enjoy seeing him on the track as he is respectful of others.

Oh and if you read this Gebrandt, like Michael said you don't have to go off track to let other drivers by. We can mange fine as long as you stick to a lane, we can easily navigate around you and trust you since you are so respectful. As much as you don't like to cost me time, I don't want to cause you to lose too much time either. I hope you continue to improve and we can have some great races in the future.

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RE: Spotlight On... Interviews with SRS racers - Season 2 (8/1) - by Donnchadh MacGarry - 01-07-2021, 10:02 PM

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