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Suggestion: Fixed GT3 series and timeslot
It's no surprise that whenever a GT3 series runs, it's always very well attended whether it be RR or AC.  I feel that it would be very beneficial for the number of active users if a GT3 series ran on a continuous basis at a fixed primetime slot, 7pm or 8pm European.  Truth is a lot of the other series sort of feel like novelty series, like the NSU prinz one. I own that car because I bought the 'all content' pack, and have yet to even drive it and likely never will.  

I think it can have a detrimental effect on the userbase when someone who doesn't participate in SRS very much comes to have a look for a race after work and sees a series like this in his prime 'pre getting nagged from his wife to do the dishes' timeslot.  Perhaps that guy doesn't bother looking next time because he was disappointed.

On the other hand if it becomes known to everyone that there is always a GT3 race every night at 8pm, he doesn't even need to check the site to know that there is going to be a well attended race for him in his timeslot.  Lets face it, GT3's are by far the most popular car that people drive online, so trying to force people to drive others seems like a losing strategy. Just one look at the online lobbies is enough to confirm this statement.
Don't get me wrong, a bit of novelty is definitely still fun, but I would say put those series in different timeslots.  I know other series like Audi tt and dtm are hardly novelty, but are still nowhere near as well attended as GT3's. 

 I think the userbase could greatly increase with this strategy and ironically with the larger number of people using SRS, the other series start becoming better attended too. 

Make a GT3 series a standard fixture every night at prime time, and do other varying series around it.

Messages In This Thread
Suggestion: Fixed GT3 series and timeslot - by Brent Mills - 08-10-2018, 04:44 PM

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