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Quit penalty or bug?
Hello, yesterday I registered for KTM but at 8 minutes left I had to quit the register. I'm 85% sure I pressed the quit button.
Today I see that my rating went from 66x to 473.
Was there any bug? Or just a penalty for quitting the booking for a race?
Hi there, the rating is being adjusted, I guess that is the reason. I went from 61x to 292 Sad
Yup, Rating system is being adjusted!

I just won a race, not 20 minutes ago, My Rating Increased from 25x.xxx to around 525.xxx

Then 15 minutes after the race, added 2 friends to my buddy list, looked at my rating again to check a new race and suddenly i had decreased to 98.0882 Global Rating :<
Skill is when Luck becomes Usual! Play Serious, but Fair and have Fun! Angel
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