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Rfactor Not Launching
Great idea love the concept, but struggling to make it work.
I have installed and assinged to the launcher (it is green and naming is correct).
I tried joining my first race tonight, all good, and join appeared at 3 minutes. I clicked join and win10 throws up a popup asking for the application. I am running firefox.
It had SRS and choose application. I clicked SRS and got the blue circle of loading love for 4 secs then nothing.. did it a few times nothing.. Checked task manager.. Nothing running... OK i thought
Clicked Join again - Clicked Choose Applicatin.. Browsed to SRS.Exe ... that worked.. So the SRS window opens.. So i wait.. expecting RF2 to launch.. nothing.. checked task manager.. nothing.. I am now down to 1.5 minutes to race.
I looked at rejoin race.. so thought might aswell click it (Force launch) i assumed.. Clicked it and it had an RF2 error popup - it was an RF2 requestor.. Sorry i cant recall as i was down to 45 seconds to join.. or as it indicated i get banned for 2 days from racing if i fail to join... So ran RF2 manually off desktop (Yes i have a steam install).. it worked fine.. and get to multiplayer.. but thats useless.. as wont join your server.. Tried Rejoin again from your window... (Cant run launcher twice error).. so killed RF2 and tried your rejoin again.. That failed with same error again.
Ran out of time and now assume i cant join.. and am likely banned for 2 days.. (Hopefuly thats not correct as its very bad for a first user experience geting banned).
Summary - Cant race.. cant wait 5 hours for next race.. so will go back to Iracing and RF browser for multiplayer.
Some ideas
1. Allow a test button... To test that it all works and that your game launches.. So your not left scrambling trying when you want to race.
2. Elaborate on your instructions on what users should expect at each point after they click join.. Go into some more detail and detail the errors that may occur and how to resolve them.
I will try again tomorrow night (If im lucky and you are running a race in the 2 hours i get at home).
Goodluck and hope you can make this work.. great idea.. and great for the community, hopefuly you can realise some of these opportunities and make it easier for first time users.. (Seamless).. possibly do testing at first install and configuration validation.
If you have any ideas what else might be going wrong let me know.

Interestingly i tried a few hours later, and the launcher (now defaulted) ran, and ran RF2 with nothing changed.. so it seems the initial using the default SRS that popped up and not selecting SRS.Exe caused the issue.

Summary was it worked 2nd time round without any changes.

As a note, upon race finish, i exited the game, but SRS didnt pickup that it had finished.. Now im thinking about it, i assume you have to stay in the game till the session ends post race.. ???? Its unclear .. as the application didnt then detect i had finished. (Stopped responding)..

Ill review and see if stats update anyway..
Hi David,
Do you have an antivirus? If you do, you need to give exclusion to srs.exe and updater.exe for future updates.
The program should start automatically when the counter hits the 03:00, if it doesn't something is wrong. Besides antivirus, there are some 'safety' plugins that can block the software, if you did not install any of these on firefox, no problem.
Are on Steam or non steam? ISI already noticed some problems with Steam version, I admit that i have not yet followed these issues nor their solution as I have been quite busy.

Regarding the sessions, race stats are always uploaded (or at least should be) either you finish or not. If you do not finish the results will only be displayed near the scheduled race end time.

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