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Head starters on Donington National (Toyota)
Just started a race on Donington National, from P3 after qualification. Three (!!) cars made a head start. They do this because of the short pitlane, you lose only a few Seconds, even if you have to og through the pit.. I did catch one of the head starters just after the chichane, but when I was about to pass him on the left, he pushed me into the pit!!
This has to stop, SRS must do something, if not I am afraid that there will be a week with a lot of head starts on this track. 
I dont want to race this way, I want to see who is the fastest, not compete against cheaters.
Please SRS, let the penalty for head start be 20 seconds in the pit or something like that.

Just to clarify, I assume you mean a false start right?
(08-20-2018, 10:43 AM)Erik Hanoy Wrote:  Please SRS, let the penalty for head start be 20 seconds in the pit or something like that.

Sounds good to me.

I hope you protested the guy who rammed you.
Amazing list of awesome achievements: 5th Lotus 25 2018, 4th DRM 2019, 5th Williams FW14 vs. Ferrari 643 2019, 3rd Ferrari 312T vs. Lotus 72D 2020
Dennis IpenburgJust to clarify, I assume you mean a false start right?

Yes, false start.

(08-20-2018, 10:47 AM)Simon Meisinger Wrote:  
(08-20-2018, 10:43 AM)Erik Hanoy Wrote:  Please SRS, let the penalty for head start be 20 seconds in the pit or something like that.

Sounds good to me.

I hope you protested the guy who rammed you.

No, I didnt. Pointless to report anyone, I drive in VR and I get the same answer from SRS every time, »names not showing»....
OK cool.
Yes, a severe penalty for jumping the start should be given. I'm not sure whether this is possible though
Although, last week I got a penalty for cutting the track (where I actually was avoiding a lapped car who was driving very strange lines) There was no advantage, yet I had a stand-still penalty for 25(!) seconds before the end of the lap.

If that's possible, hopefully a 20s penalty for jumping the start is possible too ;-)
Quote:Pointless to report anyone, I drive in VR and I get the same answer from SRS every time, »names not showing»....

Had the same problem with the names and got a solution here: http://www.simracingsystem.com/showthread.php?tid=4052

I always record my protesting footage on my regular display after the race.

Quote:Although, last week I got a penalty for cutting the track (where I actually was avoiding a lapped car who was driving very strange lines) There was no advantage, yet I had a stand-still penalty for 25(!) seconds before the end of the lap.

Those penalties are hard coded into the tracks and can't be changed by the server rules, sadly.
Amazing list of awesome achievements: 5th Lotus 25 2018, 4th DRM 2019, 5th Williams FW14 vs. Ferrari 643 2019, 3rd Ferrari 312T vs. Lotus 72D 2020
I was wondering why so many jumped the start in that same race yesterday. Never seen so many in a single race before.

That race was one of the more strange ones I've been involved in at SRS. Seemingly a good half of the grid were drivers who were overly aggressive, either in terms of high risk overtakes, blocking/weaving or just in general not exhibiting safe racecraft. I was spun around twice from people basically pit manoeuvring me, which has rarely happened to me here before.

People were happy to go up to three cars wide in some corners on a track with some narrow sections, which caused a crescendo effect with cars behind catching up and causing big packs to form, leading to all manner of incidents across the field (I can safely say that if there is a slow pack of cars in front, get off the gas instead of trying to full throttle your way through the carnage like you're bloody Ricky Bobby, please).

I like complex multiple car battles, but they were only happening in that race because a few drivers were pushing their way through, causing other cars to slow up and bunch up with cars behind. I don't think I've ever watched my rear-view mirror as much as I did in that race, you couldn't trust anyone to not divebomb you if you left the inside of a corner open, even if they were too far behind to realistically make a move work safely.

I guess I still had enough fun in that race despite the result, but it was more due to the fact that it felt like a tense drive to survive the chaos as opposed to a good clean race. Hopefully just a blip on the radar and not something that will be commonplace going forward.
I'd just protest all who abusing races with intentional jump starts and let admin punish them.

If you change server config to have stop & go instead of drive-through penalty you'll penalize people who did it by mistake.
I'd rather it be stop and go anyway. I've only false started once in all the SRS races I've been in, and it was because the server was shitting the bed and the lights took like 10 seconds to go out and multiple other drivers started going.

As for the protesting: you can bet that I reported all the PIT maneuvers that I saw, and at least one of them was on you, Justin. I also reported the one guy I saw false starting. Was there a second one? I didn't see it. Anyway, there's a whole lot of bad attitude drivers in the Toyota series currently. A few of them have been banned or suspended for a number of weeks, but there seems to be plenty more where that came from!

I've taken to just being super passive in races now. It ends up not being worth it to try to defend a position by squeezing someone on the inside, because they'll just plow into you when you try to take an outside line anyway, and somehow make it through while you get spun out of control. *sigh*
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There are three option for false start from server side :
Nothing , drive through and teleport to pit... 
(Teleport to pit may works)
So I think that protest (and ban) is good solution...

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