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Incident count
Hi. I understand that incidents are counted in an automatic process so we have clean races. But I also saw that small touchs do not count as an incident, which is totally aceptable.

Today, I just raced in Monza with the Ferrari 458 GT2 in the 1h race. I finished P4 and had 5 incidents. I knew I got small incidents and was not expecting to have them all counted... In the T1, I got "sandwiched" and got 3 small hits. 2 in Ralph Sargent car and 1 in Harrison Dummett. Later I was hit in the back from Ralph Sargent again. And few laps after, I got a side hit from Harrison Dummet again.
All these 5 hits were counted and I lost 15 points. Now, how can Harrison Dummett only have 1 incident and Ralph only have 2?!? And I got 5?? I didn't hit anyone else's car or any wall!
Not arguing who's fault in each incident. Just trying to understand how fair is this incident count system. I know we all want clean races but in some categories there are lots of small touchs which do not damage the car and do not make the other driver lose control of the car!
Rubbing is racing, right? I finished P4 with not mechanical issues in the car, I did not make any dive bomb to anyone and I could be P11 (last in this race) and I would have 1 more point than what I got. I am really frustrated, to be honest...
My (unofficial) take on it is, being automated, there is a threshold that the amount of damage (deformation) must reach before considering it as a contact.
So, if your hard bumper touches his soft door panel, he might get the incident where you don't. I'm sure other factors are involved, too.
There are some races that are just frustrating, even if you're not at fault. But from my experience, it balances in the long run. As long as you race clean and fair, your incident average should reflect that. Incidents are game engine dependent, and you can't penalize only one driver without having an actual race steward review every incident independently. You can avoid a lot of incidents by studying your opponents while racing. The lines they take, their braking points...
Don't forget hitting a wall will count as an incident point too, it doesn't have to be contact with another car. And incidents are counted after crossing the finishing line at the end, so park safely and return to the pits (or even use CM to map a button to instantly teleport to the pit even when moving, just don't accidentally hit it during the race itself).
Donny MacGarry Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@DonnyMacGarry

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