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Distribution of many registered racers...
Digging this again, with a bit of a twist.

I might getting this wrong but when I register two years ago maybe, there were races with 3, 4 splits at times. Now it seems that the amount of people racing lowered a bit.

Still, there are people coming in all the time by the look of the "introduce yourself".

When I race, the level is high and I see that some of the people is the same.

So, if I'm not seeing this wrongly, there are people arriving but not staying.

If so, couldn't be the splits and the rank calculations one of the reasons?

Iracing has a lot of people and the skills level is well distributed. Cause there's a lot of people. Sure. And also a lot of splits.
In a lower level player base, shouldnt the scale the same? Smaller grids and more splits?

In Iracing you have lower skill level in their bouble split racing for podiums. It's fun for low level too. That's the thing that keeps people there.

If the grids are distributed like the op mentioned but also smaller grids and consequently more grids, it's fun for everyone. High level fights for podium and low level fights for podium. Keeping the interest level there for most of the people at in all races.

Like it is now is not lower skill level friendly. So people might arrive, make a few races, keep racing aline and being lapped and leave, not coming back again.

Just look at tatuus two split race. A grid with 23 people with a different of more then 8 seconds between first and last place. And then you have the second split with two people.

What's the difference between a 23 people split and 2 people split AND for instance splits with 9 - 8 - 8?

In the first exemple the top group is having fun but will never see the lower group, only when they're lapping them.
The second exemple you have 3 groups with different skill level fighting for podiums and all having fun.

Big grids are nice if the skill level is balanced, but with few people, the skill level is all over the place and that's suck for new people or low skill level ones.

5 seconds off pace it gets low skull level people racing alone, fighting not to be lapped more then 3 or 4 times. It's not fun.

Not keeping the interest for the low level, we stay with the highest level only. It's not a bad thing, but it's hard to keep the numbers and even harder to increase it.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Distribution of many registered racers... - by Andre F Ribeiro - 09-19-2021, 04:08 PM

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