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What not to do... my apologies!
Heres what not to do if you can help it... admittedly it all happened pretty fast. Although i did get a nice start the adrenaline off the line is awesome. 

First, I properly cut up and hit Christopher, sorry for that. I was so focused in front of me i didnt even see you there.  Thankfully it didnt end badly. 

Second, a double apology to Javier, once for the incident below.  I thought i was clear (and maybe i was) but in braking for the corner i definitely didn't give you enough room to brake also.  Then later in the race i got confused about my relative and the blue flags  (i thought i was battling you and it was the guy behind you with the flag) and think i held you up.. sorry!

I probably could of continued without going to pits, but i messed up and didnt put correct fuel in at the start of the race, so figured it was best i went back and sorted that at the same time.  

SX Racing Youtube: bit.ly/SxRacing
Well done for apologising Michael. We all make mistakes in the heat of the moment, but not many acknowledge their mistakes. See you on track soon buddy.
-- Joe.

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