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Llevo poco por aquí y soy un novato pero debido a que solo oigo malos comentarios sobre estos pedales he decidido hacer este post por si ha alguien le puede ayudar.
Lo que voy a decir esta claro que es una configuración que me a bien a mi, no tiene porque servir para todo el mundo ni ser del agrado de todos.

I have not been here for a while and I am a newbie but because I only hear bad comments about these pedals, I have decided to make this post in case someone can help you.
What I am going to say is clear that it is a configuration that suits me well, it does not have to serve for everyone or be liked by everyone.

Bien, esta claro que preferiría tener unos Fanatec V3 pero por razones de precio y de ética de momento no son una opción para mi, con lo cual he intentado hacer que la sensación
que ofrecen mis T3PA sea la que me permite estar mas cómodo con ellos,tener una buena sensación al tacto y conseguir una frenada consistente y firme y lo mas importante.....
que me permitan tener un vuelta a vuelta lo mas regular posible....para que os hagais una idea......ahora estoy rodando con los Radical SR3 en Road America con un ritmo por vuelta
entre 2:13:8 y 2:14:2 constante......ya se que son tiempos lentos comparados con la gente que gana carreras pero como digo, soy novato y me preocupa mas ser regular e ir cómodo
que ir rápido de momento......

Well, it is clear that I would prefer to have a Fanatec V3 but for reasons of price and ethics at the moment they are not an option for me, which I have tried to make the feeling
that offer my T3PA is the one that allows me to be more comfortable with them, have a good touch and get a consistent and firm braking and most importantly .....
that allow me to have a return as regular as possible .... so you can get an idea ...... now I am shooting with the Radical SR3 on Road America with one pace per lap
between 2:13:8 and 2:14:2 constant ...... I know they are slow times compared to people who win races but as I say, I am a rookie and I worry more about being regular and comfortable
to go fast for now ......

El pedal del freno de casa viene sin el mod cónico puesto y la verdad, la dureza del pedal por si solo es insuficiente totalmente haciendo que cuando frenas no tengas sensación de dureza
ninguna ni de sensación de poder graduar esa frenada ya quieras frenar fuerte o suave según lo requiera el trazado....se convierte en un ejercicio de frenada "a ciegas" o a ir memorizando
si aquí piso mucho o poco pero no por la sensación sino por el recorrido en si......

The home brake pedal comes without the conical mod set and the truth, the hardness of the pedal by itself is totally insufficient, so that when you brake you have no feeling of hardness
None of the sensation of being able to graduate that braking, whether you want to brake hard or smoothly as required by the layout ... becomes a "blind" braking exercise or to memorize
If I walk here a lot or a little but not because of the feeling but because of the route itself .....

Bien, teniendo claro esto hay que montar el tope cónico si o si......yo lo he montado y lo he desenroscado hasta que se queda a medio centímetro de tocar con el pedal......con eso consigo
que la primera parte de la pulsación del pedal sea por la propia resistencia del muelle del pedal y a partir de ese punto en que el pedal toca la goma vaya cogiendo dureza progresivamente
hasta que al final del recorrido tenga un tacto bastante duro (o lo suficiente para notar algo mas).

Well, having this clear you have to mount the conical stop if or if ...... I have mounted it and unscrewed it until it stays half a centimeter from touching with the pedal ...... with that I get
that the first part of the pedal press is due to the resistance of the pedal spring itself and from that point where the pedal touches the rubber, it becomes progressively hard
until at the end of the tour you have a pretty hard touch (or enough to notice something else).

Ahora viene la segunda parte......si solo hiciéramos esto y nos pusiéramos a correr os pasaría lo que me pasaba a mi, que al final tienes un pedal que tiene una resistencia progresiva pero
sigo yendo a ciegas con el freno porque en las frenadas fuertes o bloqueo o no freno y sigo yendo a ciegas con el freno.....y es cuando te desesperas y por una vuelta medio buena que haces
te salen 5 mal por no decir que en carrera con otros rivales no eres capaz de aguantar en un grupo sin poder dosificar y al final llevarte a alguien puesto y arruinar tu carrera y la suya.....

Now comes the second part ...... if we only did this and started running, what would happen to me would happen, that in the end you have a pedal that has a progressive resistance but
I'm still going blindly with the brake because in heavy braking or blocking or not braking and I'm still going blindly with the brake ..... and that's when you despair and for a good half turn you do
you get 5 bad for not saying that in the race with other rivals you are not able to endure in a group without being able to dose and in the end take someone on and ruin your career and yours .....

Aqui entra en accion el SW de Asetto......si te fijas cuando frenas....sobre todo en las frenadas fuertes a nada que pisas el freno, a la mitad de su recorrido ya estas bloqueando y todavía casi
no has hecho fuerza en el pedal......la solución: bajar todo lo que puedas la fuerza de frenado del coche desde el Setup del coche.......yo por ejemplo en los Radical SR3 que es el campeonato en
el que estoy ahora lo pongo al mínimo....o sea, al 60% cuando de fabrica viene en 100%. Así consigues que para frenar fuerte tengas que pisar el pedal casi hasta el tope de su recorrido
lo que te hace tener que pisar fuerte y como ahora tienes ese tacto fuerte y mas recorrido y no bloqueas puedes hacer perfectamente las frenadas regresivas en grandes frenadas a final de recta
y pequeñas frenadas con un poco que pises el pedal en su gama inicial para pequeñas deceleraciones.

Here the Asetto SW goes into action ... if you look at it when you brake ... especially in heavy braking at nothing you step on the brake, half of its way you are already blocking and still almost
you have not done force on the pedal ...... the solution: lower as much as you can the braking force of the car from the car Setup ....... me for example in the Radical SR3 which is the championship in
the one that I am now I put it to the minimum .... that is, at 60% when it comes from 100% at the factory. So you get that to brake hard you have to step on the pedal almost to the top of its path
  what makes you have to tread hard and as now you have that strong touch and more travel and do not block you can perfectly do the back brakes in large brakes at the end of the straight
  and small brakes with a little you step on the pedal in its initial range for small decelerations.

Después todo depende de como quieras dosificar el pedal.O aumentas la potencia de frenada o la disminuyes pero con este sistema yo por lo menos he conseguido poder tener un freno progresivo y
un tacto lo mas parecido a tener que pisar mas para frenar mas.....vale que también juegas con el recorrido...no como con un freno por célula de carga que aunque no lo he probado entiendo que es
como dicen, lo mas parecido a un freno real, que frena por presión con un mínimo recorrido y te permite graduar la frenada con esa presión y no con el recorrido.

Then everything depends on how you want to dose the pedal. Or you increase the braking power or decrease it but with this system I have at least managed to have a progressive brake and
a touch the closest thing to having to step on more to slow down more ..... it is also worth playing with the route ... not as with a brake per load cell that although I have not tried it I understand that it is
as they say, the closest thing to a real brake, which brakes by pressure with a minimum travel and allows you to adjust the braking with that pressure and not with the travel.

En fin, esta es mi humilde aportación para quienes tienen estos pedales y no se conforman como yo en frenar a ciegas y de oído.....
Si le puede servir a alguien ya no para mejorar sus tiempos, sino por lo menos, para poder disfrutar mas rodando con mas regularidad
gracias a tener mejores sensaciones y ser mas seguro en pista ya me habrá valido la pena la parrafada.

Anyway, this is my humble contribution to those who have these pedals and do not conform like me to stop blindly and by ear ...
If you can serve someone no longer to improve their time, but at least, to enjoy more rolling more regularly
Thanks to having better sensations and being safer on the track, it will have been worth the effort.

Y de paso para ser un Novato menos peligroso para los demás en pista.

And incidentally to be a less dangerous rookie for others on track.
Buenos Días
Este fin de semana justamente he descubierto algo en la configuración de Asetto Corsa que complementa aun mas la configuración de la que os hablo en este Hilo.Se trata de la opción Gamma Freno de la pestaña Avanzado de la configuración de Controladores.
Desde que tengo Asetto Corsa no había tocado ese parámetro ni me había fijado en el. Siento no poner fotos pero escribo esto desde mi trabajo y lógicamente aquí no tengo instalado el Asetto.
La configuración del gamma del freno de origen viene en 2.40 teniendo un rango de ajuste de 0 a 5.
Para los que no entendéis lo que hace os lo explico:
En 0 le damos una curva al freno totalmente lineal con lo cual la fuerza de frenado es proporcional al recorrido del pedal.
Si lo ponemos en 5 la curva que conseguimos es que en prácticamente el 70% inicial de recorrido del pedal no conseguimos casi que el freno actue y el 30% final es donde la potencia de frenada se deja sentir.
Si entráis al Simulador y modificáis ese parámetro veréis que os dibuja la curva que os explico...
Con los ajustes anteriores y el ajuste del Gamma creo que se puede conseguir que los T3PA frenen decentemente....si aun así tenéis quejas con ellos pues ya sabéis:
220€ o 440€ por unos CSL Elite LC o unos V3 y a correr pero yo de momento me conformo con mis T3PA configurados.
Decir que ayer con todos estos ajustes y configurando hasta encontrarme cómodo llegue a bajar mi tiempo en Road America hasta un 1:12:9 que modestamente creo que no esta mal.....lejos claro esta de los extraterrestres.....

Good Morning
This weekend I have just discovered something in the configuration of Asetto Corsa that further complements the configuration of which I speak in this thread.This is the Gamma Brake option on the Advanced tab of the Controllers configuration.
Since I had Asetto Corsa I had not touched that parameter nor had I noticed it. I am sorry not to post photos but I write this from my work and logically here I do not have the Asetto installed.
The gamma setting of the source brake comes in 2.40 having a setting range of 0 to 5.
For those who do not understand what he does I explain:
At 0 we give a curve to the fully linear brake with which the braking force is proportional to the pedal travel.
If we put it in 5, the curve we get is that in practically the initial 70% of the pedal stroke, we almost didn't get the brake to act<br>and the final 30% is where the stopping power is felt.
If you enter the Simulator and modify that parameter you will see that the curve that I explain to you is drawn ...
With the previous adjustments and the adjustment of the Gamma I think that you can get the T3PA to slow down decently ... if you still have complaints with them then you know:
€ 220 or € 440 for a CSL Elite LC or a V3 and to run but for now I am satisfied with my configured T3PA.
To say that yesterday with all these adjustments and configuring until I feel comfortable I got to lower my time in Road America to a 1: 12: 9 that modestly I think is not bad ..... far clear this of the aliens .....
I have my brake gamma set at 2.40 and I have the conical mod installed. I have also spent more than a lot of time using the pedals to get used to their quirks.

No matter what you do to the pedals you will never be able to overcome their fundamental flaw, which is that every time you press the brake pedal a little harder than before, you are resetting the pedals end of travel point. So in order to get the same braking pressure you need to press a little harder to reach the new endpoint of the pedals travel. Think of a situation where there might be a pileup in T1 in front of you (never happens in SRS right lol) well if you panic brake and smash that pedal to the floor, you might end up being surprised when you get to the next braking point and your brakes don't stop like they used to, you'll need to increase your braking pressure to match that first panic stops endpoint. That can be hard to adjust to when in the middle of a race and your in traffic.

Probably did a terrible job of explaining that but the bottom line is that I would never advise anyone to buy these pedals.

If you're looking to improve your laptimes I would suggest always setting your tires psi correctly. This is more important than the temperature of the tires. Look for tunes on the Setup Market app. Watch replays of the fast guys going fast, and use their lines and braking points etc.
Hi Jason
In the end I have regulated the gamma to 3.0 and I am doing quite well .... the truth is that I have not noticed this that you say that according to how hard you step on the pedal you will change the reference point on the tour .. I will have to fix.
Anyway, I recognize that all these adjustments that I speak of are, after all, to try to make low-end pedals have a decent touch.
I have seen reviews of people who have changed to the V3 and in the first lap he has taken, he has already noticed a brutal improvement in the touch of the brake ... ... for something it will be.
Well I 'm a bit late to the conversation, but this is what I have done to my T3PA pedals.

There is actually no space between my brake pedal and a conical mod. Furthermore I have actually screwed the conical mod a bit "into" the pedal to make it really stiff and hard to press.
Then I lowered brake pedal's max travel point to 50% and finetuned gamma as well.
I ended up with a brake pedal which has really short travel and is hard to press right from the beggining but that way I can trailbrake better. And it's also easier when threshold braking as well.

May be a bit weird in the beggining but now I got used to it and feels good. Made it more of a pressure sensitive rather than travel.
I removed the conical mod and just stuck a squash ball in there. Feels quite good.

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