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Raceroom App Download & Instructions
alright thanks for clarifying Smile
although spinning into a pile of cones and getting 10 incident points seems a bit harsh ;D
I get a message upon boot saying my softawre is out of date, I have completely removed SRS folder from my R3E directory, completely replaced it with the most up to date DL link available as of today (5th October 2018) and I still get the same message when trying to load the SRS.exe

Any advice?
you are not using the exe inside the SRS_RRE folder.
Hey i am new here, thanks for the nice system to find good racing. Did already two races in AC and had a lot of fun, but in Raceroom the App doesn't work for me. I read the first post and followed all instructions. But everytime a race comes close, the button which is supposed to say "join" or "register" says "unavailable" for me. I definitely own the content though..any ideas why i can't join?
just like in AC, you need to register before the last 5 mins on the counter
Doesn't work for me. 5 minutes before the race starts the button is getting black and saying "unavailable". Is SRS doing an integrity check? Because i manually altered the view files from all cars (lock Camera to horizon fix for VR)
me dice Raceroom not found
I tried several times, it hasn't worked.
maybe a bad connection
Didn't you read my answer? when the counter hits the 05:00 it will become unavailable to register.

(10-08-2018, 08:05 PM)Manuele Celestiale Wrote:  Doesn't work for me. 5 minutes before the race starts the button is getting black and saying "unavailable". Is SRS doing an integrity check? Because i manually altered the view files from all cars (lock Camera to horizon fix for VR)

SRS doesn't do anything to your RRE install. If you want to do a steam integrity check, you have to do it yourself.

(10-08-2018, 08:05 PM)Manuele Celestiale Wrote:  Is SRS doing an integrity check? Because i manually altered the view files from all cars (lock Camera to horizon fix for VR)
Then you placed the app on the wrong place...
Post your path to the SRS_RRE folder.

(10-09-2018, 10:09 PM)Jose Ramon Oliva Garcia Wrote:  me dice Raceroom not found

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