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Better race evalutation/more information
I would enjoy seeing more information on my profile and in the race evaluation. For example the average qualifying position or how often I put it on pole since I started using SRS. 
I hope you can implement this.
Kind regards

Id also like to see the average results on different tracks to see on which tracks Im good or bad. For example I usually start in Suzuka on p 4,3 and end up on p 2.7 or in spa on p 5.5 and end up on p 4.6.
Yeah, there are thousand of statistics that could be made from the data that SRS has, but I'm not sure if this sytem is in active develpment or it will just mantain its state.
If admins are not developers and this system was made by a third party, to do this kind of features would cost too much effort, but I agree, it would be amazing to have them.

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