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The JM Ferrari F138 Challenge
That's really useful feedback and as Will says the joy of setups.

At Paul Ricard my best was only 1.6 seconds slower than you. I have a very unique driving style. I'm not a huge fan of oversteer and like a neutral car. I do get some wheel spin.
Driving style plays a big part of it. You say fast in. I concentrate more on exit Smile

Anybody got times for the final today? I'm fairly happy in the high 34's low 35's. Flat through T1 and Copse (the old T1)

Also does anybody else get a really big kick of oversteer when cahning 2nd to 3rd.
Shaun Clarke Racing (Previously TPCSimRacing) driver and painter.
Only managing 35's and 36's in practice but I'm comfortable with my setup so hopefully I can play the consistency game.

Yes Michael I've been avoiding dropping to 2nd gear as much as possible due to a kick of oversteer. Also shortshifting from 2nd to 3rd because the car gets quite twitchy at high revs in 2nd.
Congratulations Max Teel, you are the champion! Great performances!

I couldn't have asked for a better race for the finale and while I didn't have the pace I would have liked it was great fun and I did enough to get that silver championship trophy. I had a slow start off the grid (As usual) but that gave me the opportunity to test my racecraft in such a monster car. Kept focused and waited for the right time to pass Erik, then had a good battle with Kimmo at the end with both of us pulling off some sweet, clean overtakes.

Overall a great series and I hope to race you guys again in the next season Smile
Now, that was very nice.  My 20 wall hits at Monaco* forgotten.  Really a fantastic car!
Thanks Josh
*Pretty sure this car isn't allowed at Monaco Dodgy 

Thanks Will! I'm so chuffed with getting the championship... it's the first series I've really put the effort into turning up and putting in the practice for every race, and I absolutely love F1 cars!

(Here comes the awards speech: ) Thanks to Josh for giving us this series, would have been great to see you on track a little more! And thanks to everyone who turned up to race, it felt like every race had a decent turnout and there seemed to be some really tough but fair racecraft going on, including blue-flag watching! Wink 
Also really enjoyed the updates on this thread, especially from Will and Michael. This, plus the videos people were putting together at the start of the season, really added to the enjoyment of the championship Big Grin
Me and Michael were the Brundle and Croft of this series Big Grin
Congrats to Max, very impressive driving. I lived this series, a shame that I only could participate in thee of six races (holiday at Mallorca on two Fridays, and sosial obligations on the third. But great fun, I hope next season will give us another +500 series, a pleasure to compete with only fair drivers ?
C U on track.
That was a great end to the season!

Congratulations Mr Oversteer on the win and the championship. Get the feeling you were managing the gap and not pushing too hard in that race Smile
And well done to Will aka Mr Consistent on a well deserved second in the championship.

I had a really good last race. Knew i would have a difficult first few laps due to hard tyres. Managed to hold off the two behind who were on softs for 1 lap but lost it on the final turn and they both passed. Now the new patient me knew they would struggle near the end so slowly closed the gap and as they struggled managed to get back into second.

At least i got silver at some point in the season.

Look forward to what comes next.
Shaun Clarke Racing (Previously TPCSimRacing) driver and painter.

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