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How do i decrease Skins size with Photoshop?
I don't know what you're using for saving your skinfiles, but if it's Photoshop with the Nvidia-texturing plugin (or whatever it's called) you can select different ways of saving it.
For a carskin that doesn't need an alpha layer or any other fancy stuff, you can use the first option (can't check exactly what it is, I'm not at my "paintingcomputer"). That should result in the smallest file size for that resolution. If the file is still on the large size, you could try and halve the resolution. It'll be less sharp on the car, but it might still be acceptable. It's your call.

I tend to go with default resolution skins (the size of the templates) so I can get custom suit, gloves and helmet in as well. Sometimes I can even fit the graphics for the pitcrew within the 10MB limit.

I kinda figured all this out through experimentation. But the settings in the Nvidia-plugin are crucial for filesizes.

Good luck!
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RE: How do i decrease Skins size with Photoshop? - by Robin De Groote - 03-31-2018, 02:06 PM

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