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First lap incidents: a possible suggestion
Yes, this may make some careless drivers think twice before they divebomb into the first corner... but as they are careless, they probably won't think even once. That's the problem, you are trying to influence people who don't have right priorities. I think that they care more about their final position in a particular race, not their rating, so they still may chose to race unfair. And if penalized, they will keep racing bad, saying to themselves, OK, the stupid system gave me few points, but I finished 3rd (after bumping 5 people off the track), so I am the king anyway.

On the other hand, imagine a gentleman driver. He starts middle-pack. He is very careful approaching T1, leaves space in front, brakes early despite risking being passed. But an idiot (or just overexcited and inexperienced driver) behind him brakes too late and hits him from behind. The gentleman manages to avoid spin but still is pushed into the car in front of him. He goes through T1 but on exit someone goes pedal to the metal and spins out, the gentleman cannot avoid slight contact. Even worse, a driver next to him, seeing the spin, swerves blindly and hits the gentleman from the side. So with current rules, the gentleman will lose 12 points for 4 incidents and maybe 2 positions. If your rules are in effect, he will lose 2 positions and 36 points. There is a good chance that at this point he will say I was penalized harshly for being nice, screw it, i am switching to iRacing.

So the net effect may be that SRS will start losing nice drivers while the bad ones will stay. And things will become worse.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: First lap incidents: a possible suggestion - by Pawel Kusmierek - 04-04-2018, 01:24 PM

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