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Just a thought about faster drivers...
+1 I too, when see driver behind is some seconds a lap faster, then let him by, because try to hold them is time losing for both, maybe on last lap when only few turns left is different situation, but i dont change lines on straights (some drivers ale slaloming here) , I am trying to be readable to awoid contacts,.

1) I dond like impatient faster drivers who are not waiting to safe places and overtake as soon as they reach my back, for example into Eau rouge at spa or fast corners like at brands hatch right after straight in middle of track , where is not too much room to drive thru safely.

2) and next bad situation which i saw twice last week is fast driver in SAME lap starting to flash lights right when he catch me (they got behind me after some post start crashes or something similar)
(05-09-2018, 08:47 AM)Erik Hanoy Wrote:  There might be a lot of drivers who disagree with me, but I actually sometimes think its for the best to let faster drivers pass me.

I do this a lot. Let them go and fight the next guy up the track, then you can pass them both when they come to grief. Smile
I do this in RC racing too.
(05-09-2018, 04:39 PM)Mike Waltz Wrote:  
(05-09-2018, 08:47 AM)Erik Hanoy Wrote:  There might be a lot of drivers who disagree with me, but I actually sometimes think its for the best to let faster drivers pass me.

I do this a lot.  Let them go and fight the next guy up the track, then you can pass them both when they come to grief.  Smile
I do this in RC racing too.

Using this strategy too,  and it pays of very often :-)
After the first couple of laps, I'll defend against anyone for a couple of corners (if I'm not blue flagged to them, of course) since it is just good to practice. Just because someone is good at qualifying doesn't mean they are good at racing... so it's good practice for them as well.

I don't think I have ever just lifted to let someone by during a race. I'm not going to do a bunch of risky defense lines to keep someone behind me that will eventually get by through sheer speed, however. If they get a run on me, they get space. You don't learn race craft lifting to let faster people go by you. Getting passed safely is a skill way more people need to learn.

I get that it may be a strategic move to quickly let someone pass in the hopes that they tie up someone in front. But if you are a midpack racer like me, you take the fun where you can, and to me that is trying to have battles throughout the race.
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Great debate, however, nothing is useful if we do not overcome the first corner ... it took a week that I did not overcome the first corner because the back of the grid have no brakes ... Smile
Yup... that's why I stipulated "after the first couple of laps". I pretty much concentrate on maintaining speed and not making any abrupt moves when driving in a pack early race. I'm not going to dive in any corners taking lines I can't hold, and I'm going to ease on brakes WAY earlier than the usual brake point on really slow corners so I build up a buffer between me and the folks behind me that have probably put in 1000 hours of hotlapping but maybe half an hour of racing with a car in front of them. Smile
Tutorial on how to use Autodesk Mudbox and Adobe Photoshop to make custom liveries! https://tinyurl.com/yaetz4qz
Grab my PDash Skins (an Assetto Corsa HUD app) here: https://tinyurl.com/y95ewubz
(05-09-2018, 08:47 AM)Erik Hanoy Wrote:  There might be a lot of drivers who disagree with me, but I actually sometimes think its for the best to let faster drivers pass me.
Today I did race on Spa (DTM) and got P2 after qualification. Ethan Dean was in pole. I did get a fantastic start, and got into the lead, but half way trough the first lap I did let Ethan pass me. Why did I do that?
Well, I knew that that he were faster than me (qual time) so its my view that its no point in fighting back and risking an incident. Better to let the faster guy pass, so we wount slow each other down. This way I got 98 points, which Im quite happy with. If this was later in the race, I would of course fight harder.
I think more drivers should think like this, trying to fight a clearly faster driver is pointless, you only risk incidents.


I agree with your general view, and others,  about the use of letting a faster driver pass  Using it as a learning tool has been great as I develop the craft.  Having to come back from the back of the field many times, often from starting in one of the death positions, other faster drivers also in the same position are great to follow and get more comfortable in traffic.  In this situation,  however, you have to fight for it, especially since you are aware of the skill of the driver trailing, make them work for the win, unless it is me following, of course.
I did this to secure my first second place in SRS Big Grin Big Grin
I allowed two very marginally faster drivers go by me so that I could strategically sneak past. Both of these guys were around 0.015-0.025s slower than on quali pace but were faster during the race. Kept my nose clean and let one go and let him catch 3rd while I fought for 5th. Soon I let him go too. At this point, 4th caught up to 3rd, attempted a pass but got slammed by 3rd, the collision leading to 4th taking out 5th. Gained 2 positions and got right behind 3rd and passed him on the same lap when he made a mistake. 2nd was gifted because he ran out of fuel.
In any case, I don't think faster drivers shouldn't be challenged on track for position. It's why they race and us midfielders also like the challenge of trying to defend. Do defend but not to the point of ruining your own race or another driver's.

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