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Hola a todos
Hello, I introduce myself. First of all, I apologize on behalf of Translate Google for its bad translation, although it is also my fault for not knowing how to write in English. I am from Spain, I love the world of motorsport, before I used to play rFactor 1 with some colleagues, but I haven't played for a long time and I wanted to go back. I update my computer and here I come wanting to learn and have fun.

You'll find that this is an amazing place to compete against another drivers on a regular basis. Just remember, try to be clean when racing ;-)


Veras que esta comunidad es perfecta para correr con gente de forma regular. Simplemente intenta ser limpio y ya veras como lo disfrutas! Muy recomendado instalar Helicorsa y tomarse algo de tiempo para dejarse los indicadores y todo bien colocado en pantalla y a tu gusto. El salto desde rFactor1 va a ser curioso, a dia de hoy el juego se ve genial incluso a pesar de tener ya unos aƱos encima, y aun hay bastante gente corriendo!

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