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There's something wrong with the Sunbeam's mod list - Printable Version

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There's something wrong with the Sunbeam's mod list - Jose Lino - 06-14-2021

Hi all,
From what I've seen, about 40-ish racers were unable to join the series tonight. I have all mods up-to-date. Is it possible that the server is using some old version of the circuit and/or car?

RE: There's something wrong with the Sunbeam's mod list - Gareth Hickling - 06-14-2021

Checksum failed for me also Sad

RE: There's something wrong with the Sunbeam's mod list - Claudio Godoy - 06-14-2021

Yeah checksum error for me too

RE: There's something wrong with the Sunbeam's mod list - Robert Duplantier - 06-15-2021

Some drivers tried to join the server with different combinations of older versions of the track and car without success (always checksum error).

I compared the log.txt from SRS' server and from another one I got checksum error too:
the lines "Checking encryption on data file: data.acd" and "CHECKSUM SENT" were missing when joining SRS.

"Correct" CS error lines are present with the other server:

Checking encryption on data file: content\cars\nascar_road_chevrolet_ss\data.acd file:proview_nodes.ini agains:content/cars/nascar_road_chevrolet_ss/data/proview_nodes.ini
CHECK FAILED. Size real: 2403  encrypted:2454

and way below:


Joined a public server without error and got this command line in the log:

Checking encryption on data file: content\cars\pagani_huayra\data.acd file:proview_nodes.ini agains:content/cars/pagani_huayra/data/proview_nodes.ini

Maybe it's not because clients-servers have different vers. of car/track, it looks like the checksum sent never reached the server.
(dunno if it helps)

RE: There's something wrong with the Sunbeam's mod list - simracingsystem - 06-16-2021

the files on the server were damaged
Should be ok for the next one.

RE: There's something wrong with the Sunbeam's mod list - Jose Lino - 06-16-2021

That's great, thanks for looking into it!